Build a Baby Project for Childbirth Classes
Growing and birthing babies is simultaneously simple and complex. Every day and extraordinary. Trusting that our bodies know how to grow a b
Taping Birth Plans to the Wall
I am going to start carrying tape in my bag so I can tape the birth plan on or next to the white board in the room. It is a spot that everyo
How to make a Placenta Print - painting happy little trees of life with doula Angie Hotz
I get asked all the time by clients and other placenta encapsulation specialists about how I make my colorful placenta prints. So, I...
10 Things New Parents Wish They Knew Before Having a Baby
Nobody knows what they are doing at first; this is hard for everyone, so try to realize that just as you only post the beautiful moments on
Check Out a Placenta with Birth Doula Angie Hotz
Placentas have been called the tree of life for thousands of years in cultures all over the world. The baby's side of the placenta real
Having a doula at a cesarean birth, what they can do for you.
"Everyone gets a person to hold hands with. I take lots and lots of photos, and I have some amazing photos of belly births! We talk abo
What's in my doula bag Vol. 2 an UPDATE.
My doula bag is still the Mary Poppins bag or TARDIS bag and I would even say it's a Hermione Granger bag where it is so much bigger on