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baby with an owl hat sleeping peacefully

What is Placenta Encapsulation?

Placenta encapsulation is the process of  taking a fresh placenta and transforming it into a shelf-stable supplement for the mother to ingest.  This encapsulation process includes full dehydration of the placenta, powdering the placenta  after dehydration, and then putting the powder into capsules.

The process of making placenta pills typically takes 24-48  hours.

  Powdered placenta has been used in many cultures worldwide for centuries and is rapidly increasing in popularity in the west.  Women all over the world report that ingesting placenta pills made their postpartum recovery easier overall.  

Mothers report that they had lower occurrence of postpartum mood disorders, increased milk supply, and feel better overall.  


Women who have had  previous births where their placenta was not ingested reported being more tired and having longer recovery times without placenta pills compared to the easier recovery and increased energy while taking their placenta pills. 


baby and his placenta print by midwife Angie Hotz in Mount Vernon WA

Some of the hormones that give the placenta its healing properties: 


  • Gonadotropin: precursor to estrogen, progesterone and testosterone

  • Prolactin: promotes lactation

  • Oxytocin: for pain and bonding

  • Thyroid stimulating hormone: boost energy and helps recover from stressful events

  • Cortisone: combats stress and unlocks energy stores

  • Interferon: stimulates the immune system

  • Prostaglandins: anti-inflammatory

  • Hemoglobin: replenishes iron deficiency and anemia

  • Gammaglobulin: immune booster


List of hormones and benefits borrowed from

Placentas are so cool! 

Is Placenta Encapsulation Right for You?

I work with mothers and birthing folks from every walk of life. High power, corporate, type A moms… super crunchy vegan moms… mainstream, suburban moms… home water birth moms… planned cesarean moms. All of these moms have one thing in common:

they are hoping for an

easier and smoother postpartum experience.

No matter who you are or what your parenting philosophies are, postpartum is challenging. The struggles of adjusting to life with a new baby is tough no matter what your background might be.

Placenta Pills can help with the adjustment including milk production and hormone balancing.  

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What to expect with Placenta Encapsulation Services 


  • Contact via phone, email , or text about place of birth, and any questions you might have.

  • I can email you the contract or you can download and print it right from this page.

  • Payment by Venmo, check, or cash to be sent with or at the signing of the contract. (We will figure something out if you are signing up at close to your due date!)

Placenta Pickup

Processing and Drop Off

  • Contact me soon after  the birth of your baby.  

  • Put your placenta on ice as soon as possible and make sure it stays in the room with you at all times.

  • I will come and pick up your placenta from your birth place.  

  • You can put it in a cooler however I will have a cooler with me. 

  • Your placenta is fully  processed within 3-4 days of retrieval however it is best to wait until day 4-5 postpartum before ingesting, when your milk supply is in. 

  • I return your placenta capsules, print, tincture, and cord keepsake to wherever you are (home or hospital) after they are completed.

  • I am available by phone or email for questions. 

You choose  the type of Placenta Processing

*The placenta retains more nutrients with the "raw" method as it is processed less.*


There are two types of placenta encapsulation for you to choose from. The Natural Method (also known as the raw method) and the Traditional Chinese Method. 

  The TCM uses jalapeno, ginger, and lemon and the placenta is steamed with these before dehydrating and encapsulating.  The Natural Method is dehydrated with no steaming  involved in the process. Both are dehydrated at food safe high heats to ensure safety.

Both are dehydrated, powdered, and the powder put into capsules. 

placenta pills

Service Menu and Prices~


  • Placenta Pills  ~ $250

  • Placenta Tincture  ~ $50

  • Complimentary Framed Placenta Print

  • Complimentary Cord Keepsake

I'm a Little Obsessed About Safety!

Safety, reliability, communication,  and transparency are the core values of my placenta encapsulation practice.
Please feel free to ask any questions that come up!

It's important to me that your mind is at ease with my broad understanding of placentas and safety precautions.

  • I only work on one placenta at a time and adhere to proper refrigeration protocols.

  • Safety is important and I pride myself in being meticulous in my cleanliness practice.

  •  My work space and utensils are  properly disinfected with a bleach solution to prevent any contamination.

  • I have a current Washington State Food Worker Card from the Department of Health.  

  • I am appropriately trained in food safety and contamination prevention.  

  •   I am certified in bloodborne pathogens and infection control.  

  • I have a completed  training adhering to OSHA Standards.  

  • I have a dedicated space for placenta preparation. 

placenta package
Tree of life blue and green placenta print
Blue green and purple placenta print
blue green and brown placenta print
Placenta print by Angie Hotz
Placenta package
placenta print
Placenta tree of life
Placenta capsules, print, and smoothie cubes
pretty placenta print and umbilical cord heart keepsake
beautiful tree of life placenta print
pink and purple placenta print
Learn more about the healing benefits of your placenta 
Check out this link. 
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