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Nicole and Shawn's Birth Center Birth Story Video

Seriously, I have the coolest job in the world. I get to be a part of profound and amazing life experience. I help guide families and honor the the messy and the magical parts of the birth experience.

I had the pleasure of sitting and chatting with Nicole, Shawn, and Baby Annabelle and hearing all about their birth story at Salmonberry Birth Center. We had a mimosa and then I got to rock and dance with Baby Annie as Nicole and Shawn played guitar and sang with my oldest spawn, Sam. It was a lovely day of music and friendship! My name is Angie Hotz and I am a birth doula and childbirth educator in Kitsap County WA and am doing a project where I listen to local moms tell their birth stories. If you are interested in telling your story, email me at Come join the facebook conversation at



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